Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Many points are feverish 1

Her complaint of today was tight pain of lower abdomen. What shall I do? I thought sacrum must be basic reason. Two days ago, the calf and wrists were feverish. Four days ago, the shin was feverish, as I told in some videos. Today, wrists, left shin, fingers of both hands and right shoulder were feverish. Why did that come? Yesterday, I did give trembling through ankles. And, her neck loosened, by that. Her left eye is oozing mucus. That tells her neck and inside of the head is moving towards normal form. At first, wrist and upper arm was done. Then, finger tips and wrist was done, using supersonic Vega and sonic hammer (tooth brush). At that time (3m:00sec), right shin came in. Ankle and finger nail to foot nail came in, next (4m:00sec). You should be aware of sacrum and spine, always. And also of fingers, wrists, elbows and rear head. Usually, the spine and sacrum can be relaxed only after end points are done well (said 5:00). Next, rear head came in (6:00). Listen to the sound from sonic hammer on elbow.

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